Monday, April 20, 2009

Jiles Dunn Barnes

My big sister Jenny had her baby boy on April 17th. He was 5 weeks early. Weighed 5 lbs. 11 oz. His lungs were not developed and he was life flighted to another hospital. Life is unexpected and at times very scary. Luckily, I beleive that Jenny and Jd have the faith it takes for this boy to get better. I will say that over and over. Jenny was able to hold him for the first time tonight. She was, and I quote, "over the moon!" I don't have pictures yet, but go to the barnsie bunch's blog if you want to see this beautiful baby!

1 comment:

Jessie said...

Oh my heck Janeen, I hope he's doing ok! Tell her she'll be in our prayers!