Tuesday, December 23, 2008

My Morgan

Whoa I can't believe my Morgan is 16 today. What a big birthday. What a big girl. I adore her, and it makes me crazy to see her growing up so fast. She is becoming a gorgeous woman, and she truly is one of the sweetest people I know. She is an amazing big sister, daughter, niece, and friend. She is so much fun to be around, and I am glad I am a part of her life. We have had so many good times! LOL... I couldn't be more proud of her. I love you Morgs, have a sweet 16!!


Jenn said...

That is so nice and I cannot believe that she is 16 either...thank you for being such an amazing example and aunt to her (and all my kids for that matter) you are aweome!!

Jana said...

Ohhh, tender!!! She is pretty frickin awesome. There is alot to be proud of with that girl. That is a way cute pic. of the two of you!

The Fords said...

I found your blog! yay! ha ha.:)
Your blog is really cute, I can't believe how big Owen is getting.
Your should check our's out.